King cobra died tragically by the punches of the mongoose !

The king cobra, the terror of many different animals, was defeated in the mud contest. A golden-bearing snake scoured the area for a king cobra. It finally found an opponent, but the ending was not as expected.

The yellow mongoose squealed loudly, which turned out to be looking for a king cobra. Surprisingly, it finally found a rival. The king cobra was discovered by the mongoose hiding behind the sofa.

A great battle broke out between the mongoose and the king cobra. The mongoose continuously attacks towards the opponent. Under constant attack, the king cobra also counterattacked the mongoose.

10 Animals that will kill venomous snakes - Wild and Domestic

After a few minutes, the mongoose began to attack hard, causing the opponent to run away. The mongoose did not give up, it chased its prey with the intention of finding food, but unfortunately it let the prey escape.

Maybe it’s partly because it fights venomous snakes and has to keep an eye out for uninvited spectators who constantly point cameras at it.