The winged killer attacks humans and wolves! Golden eagle against deer and fox!

Birds of prey are some of the most successful and diverse hunters on the planet. Thanks to their ability to fly, they can master the most unusual habitats and learn to hunt almost any prey, from insects to large mammals. The hero of today’s video is one of the largest and most dangerous raptors, which regularly attacks prey many times its size and poses a real threat even to humans.

БЕРКУТ — крылатый убийца, нападающий на людей и волков! Беркут против оленя,  лисы и зайца! - YouTube
Birds of prey are birds that lead a carnivorous lifestyle by hunting, mainly hunting vertebrates, including other birds. Their claws and beaks tend to be relatively large, powerful, and adapted for grasping prey and tearing flesh.

Беркут В ДЕЛЕ! Крылатый хищник нападающий на лисиц и волков! Беркут против  оленя... - поиск Яндекса по видео

In most cases, the females are significantly larger than the males. Due to their carnivorous habits, they are usually at the top of the food chain. Birds of prey can be classified into two main groups: nocturnal birds of prey and diurnal birds of prey.

Беркут В ДЕЛЕ! Крылатый хищник нападающий на лисиц и волков! Беркут против  оленя... - поиск Яндекса по видео
Deers that are much larger than them are also easily defeated by flying and grabbing their prey and then throwing it from above. It’s so smart.

Видео Беркут против волка
After falling from the cliff it was hard for any one to survive, so it flew down and enjoyed a delicious meal!!