The chase, hunting of the Lion makes Buffalo rush into the tourist car!

Watch the creepy video of two groups of tourists capturing a Buffalo being chased by lions as bait! Amazingly, they both captured the event unfolding from two different angles, creating a breathtaking sight!

Distressed buffalo smashes head-first into safari vehicle as it tries to  shake off trio of lions | Daily Mail Online

We saw 2 buffaloes in the distance but stopped to look at a lioness and her 3 cubs. In the other direction we see another lioness and then another running lion. We were planning the way for the buffalo but were shocked when the buffalo ran straight into the car ahead. Suddenly, at a further distance, a male lion started chasing a bull that was crossing the road in front of us, and we watched with excitement the chase unfold!

Distressed buffalo smashes head-first into safari vehicle as it tries to  shake off trio of lions | Daily Mail Online

Two lionesses along with their cubs joined the buffalo chase. The female buffalo was very disoriented when it turned around and ended up crashing into the game car with a thud. This made the male lion very scared and for a while let the buffalo run in the opposite direction

Buffalo Bursts Car's Tire to Chase Lions Away - Latest Wildlife Sightings -  YouTube

Both those who recorded the scene said they were overjoyed that the buffalo escaped, and equally surprised when it hit the car!