What makes a giant elephant angry and try to kill a newborn buffalo?

SKUKUZA – Some visitors to Kruger National Park have faced aggressive, sometimes unpredictable behavior by elephants, causing their vehicles to overturn or plunging into wilderness trails .

After an incredible video of an elephant killing a buffalo went viral yesterday, many lovers have wondered why.

While it’s less common for these mammals to fight other animals, it does happen and Kruger lovers yesterday saw this as a breathtaking yet shocking video of it. An Incident.

Elephant Kill Baby Buffalo - YouTube

Mr. Ros Stansell recorded a video of an elephant trampling a buffalo in October last year. The incident happened on board the S48 train in the Mopani area of ​​the park. “It happened in the water hole. There was a huge herd of elephants with lots of calves. Then we noticed a stray buffalo about a year old. Apparently it was separated from the herd and needed water. Elephants are not going to serve this need,” explains Stansell to Nadav Ossendryver, my founder.

Video: elephant stabs and kills buffalo - Africa Geographic | Elephant,  African wildlife, Kruger national park

The elephant lunged at the buffalo and killed it. “We had mixed emotions watching this event. I can’t believe an elephant would do this. It’s scary that they are protected when traveling with calves. ”

Elephant stabs buffalo in vicious attack

It’s hard to tell if it’s a bull or a cow. Dr Markus Hofmeyr, head of wildlife veterinary services at SANParks, said it is not uncommon for elephants to attack other animals. “It could be explained that it was a male elephant in a pensive state. This makes them more aggressive and unpredictable. It may have been stimulated by the buffalo. Animals may also be more stressed because of warmer weather and dryer conditions. ”

He said that although cows have been known to attack other animals if their young are threatened, it is still uncommon. In fact, elephants are even less likely to attack other animals than bulls.