A lone lion can’t fight a herd of hyenas, so sometimes the “lord of the grasslands” has to be killed by sly predators…

The lion is still considered the “lord of the grasslands” because of his majesty and superior strength compared to other animals living in the savanna. Lions are always in the position of predators, making other animals afraid.

Clip: Sư tử bị linh cẩu "đánh hội đồng", cướp thức ăn

However, there are times when the lion falls into the enemy’s trap and becomes the prey. One of the lion’s most annoying enemies is the hyena. The clip recorded by a tourist in Kruger National Park (South Africa) shows the moment an adult lioness is surrounded by a herd of hyenas.

Lioness survives being gored horrifically by a buffalo | Daily Mail Online

While it seemed desperate and the lioness would become a meal for the hungry hyenas, luck suddenly smiled at this lion when other individuals in the lions quickly rushed to the rescue. save fellows.

Sư tử tấn công linh cẩu, bị cả đàn quây đánh hội đồng - Tin thế giới

Despite having the advantage of numbers, however, the union of the lions made the hyenas unable to do anything and had to run away. The lioness seemed to have become a lucky prey that was rescued in time.