Penguins “disintegrate” in the sharp teeth of leopard seals. Seals are one of the most ferocious carnivores in the Southern Ocean.

With a size several dozen times larger than the opponent, seals are one of the most feared enemies in nature of penguins. Even, they not only rob prey, but also hunt and kill penguins for food.

Chim cánh cụt đối đầu hải cẩu báo dài 3 mét
In the past, many people believed that seals kill penguins just to steal food from their opponents’ kites. However, the clip below gives everyone a different view of the antagonistic relationship of these two animals.

Hải cẩu xé xác chim cánh cụt làm bữa ăn ngon
During the return of foraging, the penguin was hunted by a large seal. Watching the clip, I was nervous from beginning to end, fearing that the penguin would be caught.
But with the ability to swim professionally, it has climbed ashore with its kind. Not stopping there, it also jumped down to continue challenging the seals. The chase goes on once more

Báo biển lao lên bờ xé xác chim cánh cụt
Let’s watch the clip to know the end of this reckless penguin!